Fun and Cheap

Fun and Cheap

Posted on Dec 21st 2011 | Better World, Bike Life, Blog,

A recent study published in Journal of Urban Health compares the total costs for ciclovia events to the reduced healthcare costs for participants, with some surprising results.

I have enjoyed Madison’s Ride The Drive but I had no idea it could more than pay for itself.

In the case of San Francisco’s Sunday Streets, the annualized cost is $70.50 per participant and the reduction in healthcare costs per participant if the event were held each week is $163.56.

What really surprised me is how ciclovias compare to other recreations:
Sunday Streets………………$1.36 / user / week
Indoor Soccer (Columbia)…..$14.94 / user / week
YMCA (London)……………..$18.00 / user / week
Private Gym (SF)……………$20.31 / user / week

As we continue to twiddle our thumbs over the epidemic of obesity in our youth, especially those in poorer neighborhoods, maybe we should consider how inexpensively we could bring the benefits of a private gym to whole neighborhoods.

For my Madison fellows, think of South Park St. filled with people. With Winter approaching, maybe we can bring in some snow machines and have a giant sledding rally from North Ave. (by Dig ‘N Save) down the hill to Wingra Creek.

For a better summary, with charts and graphs, go to

Thanks to Darryl Jordan for the photo of Ride The Drive.