
Live Forward Club

Posted on Feb 11th 2013 | Bike Life, Blog,

This month, we’re teaming up with our friends at Sustain Dane to give away five free bike light sets to Live Forward Club members! Light your way through February with the Blaze 1W and Superflash Light Set.

To enter to win, show some love on Facebook or Twitter. The five most creative, entertaining posts that mention Sustain Dane and Planet Bike will receive one light set each.

Write a haiku.
Tell them how Planet Bike products have made your biking experience better.
Share a funny picture of you and your bike decked out in winter riding gear.
Tell them what you could see if only you had a super-bright headlight.

Most importantly, be creative! Post often (we’ll take multiple submissions). Don’t forget to “like” and mention both Sustain Dane and Planet Bike. (Tip: Use Facebook’s “@SustainDane” syntax in your post).

Winners will be announced on Friday, March 1st.

Not a Live Forward Club Member yet? Join today and enter to win!