Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Posted on Mar 15th 2010 | Better World, Bike Life, Blog,
With temperatures peaking well above freezing the past few days it seems we have begun our spring thaw. Spring is a beautiful time but with that thaw comes the exposure of months and months of accumulated debris and trash. Our main man Walt at QBP takes it upon himself annually to make this world a better place by clea […] read more...
Green Machine

Green Machine

Posted on Mar 17th 2009 | Better World, Bike Life, Blog,
Temperatures are hitting near 70 degrees today, and Planet Bike took full advantage with 100% of the staff using pedal power to arrive at work. We’ve been gearing up for the warm temperatures and outfitting the garage with space saving bike parking. A wall full of bikes, what a beautiful sight. […] read more...
Planet Bike Goes Solar

Planet Bike Goes Solar

Posted on Dec 21st 2007 | Better World, Blog, News,
“Going Green” is a pretty popular buzz phrase these days. It seems like you can’t swing a bag of recyclables without hitting something that is Green lately. There are many things a company can do to go Go Green such as composting, buying off-setting carbon credits, going paper free in the office, or installing motion a […] read more...