Superflash Turbo(Post)
Charles Darwin would approve of our new Superflash Turbo. It’s an evolution in bicycle safety! We synthesized our time-tested design with a powerful 1 watt LED, then added the new attention-grabbing ...
Announcing the Superflash 65!(Post)In 2007 we released our iconic Superflash tail light. With its highly visible sporadic flash pattern and super long battery life, this light transformed the bicycle light category and helped keep ...
Superflash USB Update(Post)The legendary Pow! Blink, blink, blink of Planet Bike’s Superflash tail light has been keeping cyclists safer and more visible for over a decade. Since its inception, we have worked to continually ...
Superflash Turbo(Post)I’m back after two weeks out of the office and I’ve got some serious catching up to do! Let’s start off with an easy one, the Presidential Inauguration. We tagged up a few pedicabs that were pedali ...
Planet Bike Increases Lumen Output and Updates Headlight Mounting Bracket(Post)We are now shipping our updated rechargeable Blaze® headlights. The four updated bike lights are brilliantly bright and boast lumen outputs of 800lm, 600lm, 400lm and 210lm.
USB(Post)USB rechargeable lights are really starting to come to the forefront of the bike lighting market. We’ve joined in on the full with a couple of USB rechargeable tail lights. These have been out for a ...
Spread the Holiday Cheer!(Post)We know you’ve spoiled your friends and family with love and gifts over the Holiday season. Isn’t it about time that you spoiled yourself? There’s no better way than treating yourself to the most ...
First Impressions(Post)We sent our friends over at bikecommuters.com a new Superflash Turbo to test out last week. First impressions are great. They also have a video of the Turbo and standard Superflash side by side. Kin ...
New Lights Lead the Way(Post)As Spring comes to an end, the days get longer, and we move into the heat of Summer. This is the time of year we move to more “pocket” friendly lights that we can carry with us as we take advantag ...
Blaze Headlight Updates(Post)Over the past 9 months or so we’ve rolled out a bunch of updates on our Blaze headlights (both battery operated and USB rechargeable models). The biggest change has been to include amber side ...
A Word on Durability(Post)It’s always nice to get an email like the one below. Hi – I very recently bought my 23 yo daughter a Superflash at Skirack in Burlington VT. She hadn’t had a chance to use it before her apt was hit ...
Spring is in the air!(Post)Over the last several weeks, we’ve been ramping up for spring. Trucks have been dropping by to deliver new products and more trucks have been leaving with that same new product and lots of our old ...
More than Stores(Post)Golden Saddle Cyclery in LA seems to be doing things right; having fun and getting more people on bikes in Los Angeles. Our Superflash even makes a brief cameo in this clip.
What’s new?(Post)After a brief snafu with the blog that had us locked out, we’re back! Spring is looming on the horizon and we’re getting ready for the busy season. New products are here or on their way. The Courtesy ...
Live Forward Club(Post)This month, we’re teaming up with our friends at Sustain Dane to give away five free bike light sets to Live Forward Club members! Light your way through February with the Blaze 1W and Superflash Li ...
Editors Choice For Super Set(Post)We were delighted this week when the September 2008 issue of Bicycling Magazine showed up and our Blaze/Superflash light set had been bestowed with an Editors Choice award for light sets. We like t ...
See the Light (and be seen)(Post)We want you to be safe when you’re out pedaling around town. That’s why we developed that fantastically intense POW! POW! blink blink burst of the Superflash tail light. Did you know that we also ...
Grateful Red(Post)We introduced a slew of new products at Interbike last month, one of the most interesting being the Grateful Red. It’s the evolution of our ever popular Rack Blinky 5. For the most part it looks th ...
Blaze light in the media(Post)We’re very proud of the Blaze head light. Bang for the buck, I feel it is our best light. Now that it has been teamed with the Superflash in the “Super Set” we’re starting to see more and more of t ...
Manuals(Page)Manuals Bike Lights Bike Lights Amigo Headlight and Tail light Instructions Beamer 80 and Beamer 120 instructions Beamer 200 instructions Beamer 400 instructio ...