
The Crop

Posted on May 13th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Farmer Billy decided the asparagus growing in the PB back 40 was ripe for the pickin’. Look at the size of that!

April Fools!

Posted on Apr 4th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
As a lot of you guessed, the below post was our April Fool’s joke. Thanks for playing.

The Last Lap

Posted on Mar 28th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
If you’re a regular reader of our blog, or a follower on facebook, then you’ve likely seen Kristin’s past blogs on Women’s Adventure chronicling her pregnancy. Kristin’s last blog before she becomes a mom is up. Always a great read. […] read more...
Kristin’s Women’s Adventure Blog

Kristin’s Women’s Adventure Blog

Posted on Feb 8th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Kristin has been blogging about her pregnancy over at Women’s Adventure Magazine. In her latest entry she documents a vacation to San Francisco and hiking, biking, and walking around the city. Back at home in Madison it’s still winter though and there is a lot of snow on the ground which means the cross country skiing […] read more...

Ride the Divide

Posted on Jan 31st 2011 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
Chris, Billy, Heath, and I were lucky enough to be able to see Ride the Divide last Friday as a screening of the documentary came to Madison. It is definitely one not to miss, so if you have the chance, don’t miss it! Ride The Divide Movie Trailer from Ride The Divide on Vimeo. […] read more...

Bike Winter

Posted on Jan 26th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Dave passed on a great winter cycling resource, Bike Winter. There’s some great info on benefits, safety, and clothing tips for winter cycling.

Pregnant on Skis

Posted on Jan 18th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Normally at least a semi regular winter commuter, Kristin has given up biking outdoors this season as her due date looms. It may be cold and snowy in Wisconsin but there are still ways to safely be active while in the third trimester of pregnancy. Check out Kristin’s latest blog entry for Women’s Adventure Magazine. […] read more...


Posted on Jan 17th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
PB warehouse guru Chris has been putting the miles on his Surly Pugsley this winter. This morning was no different as he did an early morning tour of Madison along some of the town’s great bike paths.

Warm Feet Revisited

Posted on Jan 10th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog, Learn,
As we all get settled into our winter commuting routines, I figured now is a good time to revisit our winter riding footwear choices. Here’s a little review we did last year on what works for us. One of the first priorities to be concerned with while riding or commuting in the winter is warm feet. We’ve tried a varie […] read more...


Posted on Jan 6th 2011 | Bike Life, Blog,
Ever wonder what happens to all those unrepairable bicycle tubes and worn out chains that make their way through bike shops? Many times, shops will send them away for recycling. However, there are some very creative individuals out there finding clever uses for worn out bike parts. Andy Gregg from Marquette, MI makes s […] read more...
Tis the season

Tis the season

Posted on Dec 17th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
The holidays are fast approaching. If you live in Portland and have yet to get a Christmas tree you can actually get one delivered by bike to your door. Trees by Bike is a small group of folks from PDX in their second year of using pedal power to get Christmas trees to folks who don’t feel like tying a tree down to the […] read more...

Riding for two in the cold and dark

Posted on Dec 15th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
I’ve been sharing my attempts at staying active throughout my pregnancy with Women’s Adventure Magazine. Now that Wisconsin has been slammed with some significant snow I’ve hung up the commuter bike for the year but I was still able to get plenty of cold and dark riding in during November. In my latest blog I go throu […] read more...

Making Bicycle Commuting YOUR Norm

Posted on Dec 14th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
Ask ten different bicycle commuters why they choose the mode of transportation and you’ll likely get ten different answers. It boils down to a personal decision and no one reason is better than the next. I’ve found the toughest part of bike commuting to be making it the norm, a routine if you will. If you don’t commut […] read more...
Fall 2010 Super Commuter – Ross Hirsch

Fall 2010 Super Commuter – Ross Hirsch

Posted on Dec 10th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog, Super Commuters,
Los Angeles, CA – Safety is a big concern for the everyday commuter. Bicycle advocates across the country spend countless hours fighting for legislation and city planning, among many other things, that will improve the safety of riding bicycles. One such advocate is 40 year old Los Angeles attorney Ross Hirsch.Bic […] read more...

Copenhagen Bicycle Superhighway

Posted on Dec 8th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog, Video,
It’s no big secret that we’re big believers in the power of bikes. We’re happy to hear of the steadily increasing number of commuters in the States but we know we’ve got a long way to go to get to the level of Copenhagen. They currently see 37% of suburban residents and 55% of city residents use bikes as transportatio […] read more...
DIY studded tires

DIY studded tires

Posted on Dec 3rd 2010 | Bike Life, Blog, Learn,
Here in Madison we’re about to get our first snow of the season this weekend. Time to winterize the bike and get ready for riding in the snow! Most of us here at Planet Bike have our studded tires ready to put on but here’s a pretty ingenuous way to cheaply and easily get some traction without having to buy studde […] read more...

The Freak

Posted on Nov 23rd 2010 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
One of my favorite bike advocates is Kevin “The Freak” Freeman. Kevin has spent an enormous amount of time and effort making his community of Fayetteville, TN a more bicycle friendly place. From trail building to promoting a cyclocross series he pours his heart into helping others lead a healthy lifestyle. Kevin forwa […] read more...
District Hardware and the Bike Shop

District Hardware and the Bike Shop

Posted on Nov 22nd 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
In what I hope will become a regular blog topic, I sent out a request for Planet Bike dealers to get in touch for a bit of a profile. The first to respond was Jarrett over at District Hardware and the Bike Shop in Washington D.C.District Hardware and the Bike Shop has been in business since 1971. That’s almost 40 years […] read more...
Sometimes, you just have to leave it all behind.

Sometimes, you just have to leave it all behind.

Posted on Nov 17th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog, Product,
That’s just what Chris and I did yesterday. Loaded up the camping gear and hit the road. Actually it was the Glacier Drumlin trail which is almost right outside our office door. This makes for a fun time and a great time for a little product testing. This trip included some prototypes of some new lights, shoe covers, g […] read more...

Around the World

Posted on Nov 5th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
Today, eighteen year-old Erin Nelson will begin her attempt to set the world record of becoming the youngest person, as well as the first African American female, to bike around the world. She intends to bike 19,000 miles over the next 24 months. Erin first got the idea to bike around the world after reading about Ali […] read more...

Fixing Sprawl 101

Posted on Nov 2nd 2010 | Advocacy, Bike Life, Blog,
Most Americans live in cities built primarily for the automobile, and yet we ride our bikes. It took 50 years to build ourselves into this mess and it’s going to take some time to rebuild our cities and neighborhoods back into sustainable places in which the car is just one of many options for getting around. But how […] read more...
Ditch the Van Tour

Ditch the Van Tour

Posted on Oct 28th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
A couple of months ago we got an email from Ben Sollee’s crew wondering if we’d help them out with some product. The basic idea was to do a US music tour…by bike! What an idea. We were, without a doubt, in to help them out. Check out their latest video! Ditch the Van Bike Tour – Chapter 10 from marty benson on Vimeo. […] read more...

NYC Settles in Critical Mass Civil Rights Lawsuit

Posted on Oct 19th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog, News,
A $965,000 settlement has been reached and was made public by the court on Monday in a civil rights lawsuit brought against the City of New York by 83 cyclists who were among hundreds arrested by the New York City Police Department on the nights of Critical Mass bicycle rides beginning just before the 2004 Republican […] read more...

Actively Expecting

Posted on Oct 18th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
Kristin Wentworth is the sole female staffer at Planet Bike, a professional road and cyclocross racer, and now, a mom-to-be. Dave came up with the idea of Kristin writing about her experiences with staying active and biking while pregnant. We passed the idea by her and she was more than happy to. She will be contribu […] read more...

Cru Jones

Posted on Oct 14th 2010 | Bike Life, Blog,
Check out this custom Trek singlespeed made for Colorado’s Rad Ross Schnell! If you’re a fan of old school BMX, this one should strike a chord. Just so happens that my brother is a graphic designer for Trek and had the pleasure of laying out the graphics for this beauty. […] read more...